
Killing the Bird

Jul 30, 2023 | 6 minutes read


What does it truly take to colonize a planet? A more precise question would be: What is needed for non-government entities to achieve planetary colonization?

The essential requirements encompass various elements: vehicles for interplanetary travel, cost-effective habitat production, efficient energy creation and storage, reliable planetary transportation, robust communication and transaction systems, governance structures, food and water production, and healthcare provisions. These fundamental components form the backbone of any colonization endeavor.

But why does this matter now? After all, we are still years away from even returning to the moon, let alone Mars. The significance lies in witnessing a visionary mind at work, someone who thinks decades ahead and is diligently building or acquiring the infrastructure necessary for human colonization of the next planet. That visionary is none other than Elon Musk, and his focus is steadfastly fixed on Mars.

Recent actions, such as acquiring Twitter and renaming it “X,” may perplex many observers. Without considering his history with and PayPal, this move might seem puzzling. After all, Twitter has lost value, laid off staff, and is rebranding itself as an “everything app.” But what if these decisions are not limited to short-term gains? What if they are part of a grander plan with a far-reaching perspective? How do these moves align with the goal of reaching Mars?

The answer lies in recognizing that Elon envisions a streamlined, efficient platform encompassing payments, communication, and governance, all consolidated within a single app. By transforming Twitter into X, he aims to simplify the complexities of running a self-sustaining Martian colony. The app’s capability to facilitate mass voting and direct messaging covers the governance aspect, empowering individuals to have a more direct voice in democracy, bypassing traditional representatives and electoral systems. Transactions for the exchange of goods and services can be facilitated seamlessly through X. Furthermore, the app’s communication features cater to both mass dissemination and individual interactions. With a single stroke, three significant challenges in the colonization process find their solution.

In essence, Elon’s strategic transformation of Twitter into X addresses core issues related to planetary colonization, making it an instrumental tool in his larger vision. While it has the potential for a significant impact on Earth, serving as a multi-faceted application, its primary role lies in aiding humanity’s ambitious journey to Mars. In this grand plan, every move Elon makes appears to be part of a well-thought-out strategy, and Twitter’s metamorphosis into X is no exception—it serves as a critical component, aligning with the ultimate objective of colonizing our neighboring planet.


Taking the frame of reference of Mars colonization as the ultimate goal, Elon Musk’s companies can be seen as a harmoniously orchestrated ensemble, each serving a specific purpose in achieving the grand vision of inhabiting the Red Planet.

At the forefront stands SpaceX, the pioneer in rocket technology, propelling us closer to Mars by providing the necessary vehicles for interplanetary travel. Through their innovative rockets, SpaceX lays the foundation for transporting humans and resources to the Martian destination.

Complementing SpaceX’s efforts is Starlink, a masterstroke in communication infrastructure. By deploying a vast array of satellites, Starlink seamlessly bridges the gap between Earth and Mars, facilitating efficient and uninterrupted communication with the colony. The direct provision of communication services to handheld devices proves to be a strategic and cost-saving move during the colony’s nascent stage.

Enter Neuralink, a groundbreaking venture that serves dual roles. Firstly, it enables the integration of human minds with machines, a marvel that exponentially multiplies the productivity of the Martian pioneers. By bridging the gap between hardware and wetware (human brains), Neuralink empowers a smaller group of individuals to operate an impressive number of machines, a true force multiplier. Secondly, Neuralink addresses healthcare concerns by mitigating potential neurological issues faced by humans in the harsh Martian environment.

In the quest for self-sustainability on Mars, Tesla plays a crucial role. Tesla revolutionizes movement on the planet with electric vehicles and harnesses the power of the Sun to create and store energy. This simple yet vital component ensures a renewable and eco-friendly energy ecosystem on the Red Planet.

Even the seemingly unconventional Boring Company aligns with the colonization vision. Not only does it aim to reduce traffic congestion on Earth, but its expertise in creating subterranean tunnels proves invaluable for building radiation-resistant habitats on Mars. The tunnels provide a cost-effective and protective infrastructure, enhancing the chances of long-term survival and growth of the colony.

Completing this ensemble of companies are OpenAI and xAi, remarkable AI ventures co-founded by Elon Musk. Their role in the grand scheme is to enhance and optimize various aspects of Mars colonization. These advanced AI tools hold the potential to improve efficiency, problem-solving capabilities, and resource management across the board.

Elon’s exceptional ability to foster synergies among his diverse array of companies stems from a strategic leadership approach that sets him apart. Having relinquished direct operational control over these ventures, he now assumes the role of an inspirational visionary, a role model, whose compelling vision and unwavering drive attract the finest minds in the industry to rally behind his cause.

By stepping back from day-to-day operational responsibilities, Elon allows talented professionals to take charge of each company, empowering them to execute their roles with autonomy and expertise. This decentralized management style enables the best minds to thrive in their respective domains, fostering innovation and efficiency at every level.

Elon’s remarkable vision serves as a unifying force, inspiring top-tier professionals to join his mission, knowing they are contributing to a greater purpose: the advancement of humanity and the colonization of Mars. This shared aspiration instills a strong sense of purpose and camaraderie among his teams, creating an environment that breeds passion and ingenuity.

As the visionary orchestrator, Elon’s time and energy are strategically allocated to the ventures that require his immediate attention. He becomes the dynamic force that moves from one company to another, identifying challenges and proactively solving them. His hands-on approach ensures that he is present where his expertise and guidance are most crucial.

Moreover, Elon’s unique ability to identify priorities and allocate resources efficiently enables him to optimize his time across his portfolio of ventures. By strategically focusing on the most pressing matters, he maximizes the impact of his involvement, propelling each company forward on its path to success.

When viewed holistically, Elon Musk’s ventures reveal a symphony of ingenuity directed towards a singular goal: the colonization of Mars. Each company’s strategic moves align with the broader vision, forming a comprehensive strategy that might one day pave the way for humanity’s expansion beyond Earth. However, as with any grand endeavor, only time will unveil the true outcome, leaving room for interpretation and curiosity until we can inquire directly from Elon himself.

P.S. It would not suprise me if Elon buys or build’s a syntethic food creation company…

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