
Mental Valleys

Aug 2, 2022 | 2 minutes read

As a human in an uncertain world, one always has to embrace learning and adapting. It is the essence of life and success. Heraclitus said it best:

“Change is the only constant in life”

The problem with a lot of modalities and assumptions is that we as a species tend to crowd think and use our most recent experiences as a reference for the future. Put simply we project the future in a linear fashion when the truth is that the future will be variable in ways we cannot predict. We shy away from this variable uncertainty because the familiar, i.e. our past experiences, are comfortable and we as humans have an inherent desire to make life more comfortable.

The only way to truly prepare for the uncertain future is to embrace change and constant learning. Only by developing a modality to constantly improve one’s skills and knowledge, can we be comfortable in our knowledge that whatever life has to throw at us we will have the skills needed to adapt and prosper.

And if we don’t have those skills, we will quickly develop them.

It is the last part that is most important. When one develops new skills and knowledge it can be a bit intimidating to go from a peak of knowledge, where you are comfortable, to the valley of ignorance. Where you will once again have to climb a mountain to gain those skills and knowledge that will allow you to gain the next peak of knowledge.

Those who become comfortable embracing these valleys, while yet constantly working to get to new peaks, are the ones who will thrive in the future. This pertains particularly in Space.

We are a species are just scratching the knowledge we need to exist outside of Earth. We are in a valley right now, and as we grow and develop the knowledge and skills needed to not only survive but thrive in Space we will ascend to new peaks and the process will start again.

Embrace the variability of life…

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