
Universal Truths

Aug 8, 2022 | 2 minutes read

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

-George Orwell

We are living in a time where lies are no longer considered wrong. They are told so much that people just accept it. The act of misleading has turned into an art form. This is truly one of the greatest travesties of our times. So in light of that background, I have decided to speak bluntly as possible…

  1. Most of our “god-given” (insert whatever deity or non-deity you believe in here) and “self-evident” truths are simply MENTAL CONSTRUCTS we as humans make up to give ourselves a sense of importance.
  2. We have no “right” to freedom or even life. The simple truth is that the UNIVERSE DOES NOT CARE AT ALL ABOUT HUMANITY, OUR LIVES, OR OUR “RIGHTS.” We are simply grains of sand in an endless expanse of beach. Nothing in our lives is given. Your life today is all you have. You have no guarantees to live tomorrow. So many of our lives are wasted by this misunderstanding of the concept of tomorrow, we put off things we need to do today for tomorrow, and because of that, we create a modality of believing that tomorrow always comes. That is until we face a situation where life slaps us in the face with the simple fact that nothing is guaranteed.
  3. If you are searching for your life’s purpose, stop searching for it. You will never find it… The simple truth is that life exists in the universe (Yes it exists outside of our own planet, we just haven’t found it yet, stop kidding yourself that we are alone in the universe), and the purpose of that life is to CREATE meaning for yourself. So go do just that. Create the reasons for yourself why are you here.
  4. If you want something you MUST GO MAKE IT FOR YOURSELF. No one else will do it for you.

If you accept these, life becomes so much easier. You will still have your trials and tribulations but you will have a mental construct that will allow you to NOT ONLY SURVIVE BUT THRIVE.

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